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Sighișoara is hosting the Intercultural dialogue

ProEtnica 2018 Festival has launched its program


During the 22nd and 26th august 2018 the association Educational Centre of Youth Sighișoara (ibz) in cooperation with the Romanian Government, through the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations (DRI) and the County Council of Mureș are organizing - ProEtnica – Intercultural Festival Sighișoara.

The festival will feature traditional dance and music performances presented on the Citadel’s Stage by over 50 artistic groups, representing different national minorities. The event will comprise a scientific section, movie nights, as well as two common art exhibitions by contemporary artists from national minorities. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to visit the presentation stands of the organizations and the craft fair with traditional handmade products, between the hours 10-18.

More details about the program you can find here:

The evening program of the Proetnica festival includes concerts performed by highly appreciated artists: on Wednesday, Eztẚn band, on Thursday, Maia Morgenstern and Bucharest Klezmer Band, as well as Ionuț Galani. Fanfara de la Cozmești with Ina Chiriac will entertain the public on Friday.  Saturday evening will rock with the concert of the band Farfarello, including Mani Neumann, Ulli Brand, Ioji Kappl and Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică.

This project aims to consolidate inter-ethnical peace in a democratic and pluralistic society. Proetnica would like to become an agora where ethno-cultural identities can be expressed, preserved and developed, and where intercultural dialogue and artistic interaction is being encouraged. The organizers are glad to welcome over 600 participants representing the national minorities in Romania. Also, continuing the internalization efforts of the festival this year’s participation of the Minority of Sorbs in Germany represents a further step.     

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 15.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86