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We celebrate together in Sighisoara

ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara has come to an end


For five days, during the 22nd - 26th of August 2018, Sighișoara became the meeting point of the 20 national minorities living in Romania. Additionally, the Minority of Sorbs in Germany also joined the event. The 16th edition of ProEtnica was organized by the Educational Center of Youth (ibz) in cooperation with the Romanian Government -through the Department for Inter-Ethnical Relations (DRI) and the County Council of Mureș and aimed to bring together the cultural richness and diversity of all Romanian citizens, 100 years after modern Romania has been established, on December 1st 1918.

This year’s guest managed to elevate this edition of the festival, so that it has become truly European, as it should be, during the European Year of Cultural Heritage. At the opening ceremony the mayor of Sighișoara, Ovidiu Mălăncrăvean, the Ambassador of the State Israel in Bucharest, Tamar Samash, sub secretary of State in the Romanian Ministry of Culture, Irina Sanda Marin Cajal and the representative of the Land Brandenburg, Meto Novac gave speeches about tolerance and acceptance.

„This festival is a gift brought by many people – over 600 members of national minorities living in Romania, as well as by an ensemble of the Sorbs from Germany, present for the first time. These people will present to us all they have best and we can welcome them with interest and an open heart. I hope that you will get to know them better, that you will interact with them in front of the stage. I wish you to feel the richness and the value of the ethno-cultural diversity” said Volker Reiter, the director of the festival.

The artistic program during the five days of the festival included also impressive performances by established artists like Ionuț Galani, Maia Morgenstern & Bucharest Klezmer Band, Fanfara din Cozmești & Ina Chiriac, which electrified the public in the Citadel’s Square. On Saturday night the band Farfarello had a breathtaking performance, which comprised the personality and style of all its members: Mani Neumann, Ulli Brand, Ioji Kappl and Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică.

The festival included a scientific section, where presentations and discussions were conducted on themes like „Promoting peace in Europe through the protection of national minorities”, ”Panorama of national minorities in Europe and means for their protection through supra-national instruments”, ” Cultural Diversity and Equal Opportunities through the project „Village Journal”, ” Social partnership and participation through opening of institutions towards diversity”.

The program offered two movie nights, movies directed by Radu Gabrea and who deal with emotional stories involving different minorities. The movie „The Headless Chicken“ was introduced by the director’s daughter, Magdalena Schubert.

Two Common Art Exhibition by contemporary artists from the national minorities were also included in this year’s program, one in the Blacksmith Tower, the other in the Touristic Information Center. 

The handicraft and representative stands of national minorities were on display everyday between 10 AM to 6 PM.

The Cultural Diversity Parade was a highlight each evening, much to the delight of the public and promoted by the citadel’s drummer, DorinStanciu.

You can find out more about the program:

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 28.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86




We celebrate together in Sighisoara

ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara – Day 4


On the fourth day of ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara on the main stage we had the following ensembles: „Agoria”, Onești ((Hellenic Union in Romania), „Sonțe‐Сонце”, Craiova / Băilești / Urzicuța, Dolj (Association of Macedonians in Romania), „Vartavar” from Bucharest and „Hayakaghak” from Gherla (Union of Armenians in Romania,),  „Serbska reja” (Minority of the Sorbs from Germany), „B nei Milu” (Jewish Community from Brașov), „ITHAKI”, „Belobresca” (Unions of Serbs in Romania), „Serenada” București / Craiova, Dolj (Association of Albanians in Romania), „Balgarce” from Timiș (Union of Bulgarians in Banat), Tanzgruppe Arad (Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania), „Salasan” from Nădlac (Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania), „Kikerics”,  Sighișoara (Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania), „Di Nuovo Insieme” (Associations of Italians in România-RO.AS.IT), „Parnassos” from Brăila and „Artemis” from Sulina ((Hellenic Union in Romania) and „Delikanlilar” from Constanța (Democratic Union of Turks in Romania).

The highlight was the evening’s concert performed by Farfarello, with Mani Neumann, Ulli Brand, Ioji Kappl and Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică. The band provided the audience with an energy that stormed the citadel’s walls.

Today, other dances and traditional music performed by ensembles of the ethnic groups, a scientific section, movie nights, art galleries in which you can enjoy works of arts from contemporary artists within the minorities groups from Romania will entertain the public. The handicraft and representative stands of national minorities can be visited everyday between 10 AM to 6 PM.

You can find out more about the program:

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 26.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86




We celebrate together in Sighisoara

ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara – Day 3

On the third day of the ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara the central stage has been brought to live by the ensembles „Vartavar” (Union of Armenians in Romania), „Prietenii lui Zorba/Zorba’s friends” from Turnul Severin (Hellenic Union in Romania), „Serenada” from București / Craiova (Association of Albanians in Romania), „Holuboc” (Cultural Union of Ruthenians in Romania), „Veselija”, from Nou, Sibiu, “Chervona Calena” from Baia Mare and “Luh nad” from Lunca la Tisa (Union of Ukrainians Romania), Sonțe (Association of Macedonians in Romania), Zurboló Egyesület (Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania - Cluj-Napoca), Tanzgruppe Sighisoara (Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania) and „Delikanlilar” from Constanța (Democratic Union of Turks in Romania).

Another movie projection directed by Radu Gabrea was also part of the third day. This time A love story, Lindenfeld.

After the Ethnocultural Diversity Parade, the concert that ended the night was performed by Fanfara de la Cozmești and Ina Chiriac, from Iasi.

Tomorrow other dances and traditional music belonging to more than 50 ensembles of the ethnic groups, a scientific section, movie nights, art galleries in which you can enjoy works of arts from contemporary artists within the minorities groups from Romania will entertain the public. The handicraft and representative stands of national minorities can be visited everyday between 10 AM to 6 PM.

Tonight’s concert is not to be missed. The band Farfarello, with Mani Neumann, Ulli Brand, Ioji Kappl and Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică promise to rock the citadel.


You can find out more about the program:


The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 25.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86




We celebrate together in Sighisoara

ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara – Day 2

The second day of Proetnica 2018 Festival had plenty to offer. It included many emotional moments, such as the projection of the movie „The Headless Chicken“, a movie after the novel of Eginald Schlattner, directed by Radu Gabrea. The introduction to the movie was made by the director’s daughter, Magdalena Schubert. “It is not by chance that the projection is taking place today, on the 23rd of August, such an important date that changed the big history. But the big history influences the small stories and my father’s movie gives voice to four such small histories.”

On the stage visitors could admire dances and music performed by Sonțe (Association of Macedonians in Romania), Solonczanka (Union of Ploes in Romania), Serbska reja from the Sorbs Minority in Germany, Lastivocica (Cultural Union of Ruthenians in Romania), Karasesvka Zora (Union of Croatians in Romania), Holuboc” (Cultural Union of Ruthenians in Romania), Chervona Calena from Baia Mare and Luh nad from Lunca la Tisa (Union of Ukrainians in Romania).The Greek and Jewish minority disputed the night, with an exceptional cultural offer. So, the Hellenic Union in Romania has been represented on stage by the ensembles „O mie de porumbei / A thousand doves” from Tulcea, „Mini Elpis” from Constanța, “Kimata” from Ploiești and „Prietenii lui Zorba / Zorba’s friends” from Turnul Severin. A remarkable recital of traditional Greek music was performed by Ionuț Galani.

The Jewish community has been represented by the group „Or Neurim” (Light of youth) from Oradea and by Bucharest Klezmer Band with Maia Morgenstern, which ended the second festival night with an electrifying concert.

The following days will entertain the public with other dances and traditional music belonging to more than 50 ensembles of the ethnic groups, a scientific section, movie nights, art galleries in which you can enjoy works of arts from contemporary artists within the minorities groups from Romania.  The handicraft and representative stands of national minorities can be visited everyday between 10 AM to 6 PM.

This evening’s concerts will be performed “Fanfara din Cozmesti” and Ina Chiriac.

You can find out more about the program:

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 24.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86




We celebrate together in Sighisoara

ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara – Day 1


The 16th edition of ProEtnica - Intercultural Festival Sighisoara has began on the 22nd of August 2018. It is an event organized by Educational Center of Youth (ibz) in cooperation with the Romanian Government -through the Department for Inter-Ethnical Relations (DRI) and the County Council of Mureș 

Present at the official opening was Ovidiu Mălăncrăvean, the mayor of Sighișoara, the Ambassador of Israel in Bucharest, Tamar Samash, Sub-secretary of State in the Romanian Ministry of Culture, Irina Sanda Marin-Cajal and a representative of Brandenburg, Meto Novac.

"We managed to take this festival further, and bring together, for five days the 20 minorities who live in Romania and who will delight us with their traditions, dances, music and costumes, in this wonderful setting of Sighisoara Citadel" said Ovidiu Mălăncrăvean, the mayor o Sighisoara, in his opening speech.

"I thank the organizers for this great opportunity they gave me, to discover this wonderful festival in Romania. We have the chance to present a small part of the Jewish culture and the Jewish community, both important elements for Romania" said the Ambassador of Israel.

"The Ministry of Culture has always supported the festivals organizers, with methodological and financial means. The ProEtnica project, developed by a joint initiative of the Institute for Foreign Relations of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Romanian Ministry of Culture and became a valuable tradition for the Romanian cultural landscape, representing the most important cultural manifestation for the national minorities… The festival is an inspiration for future ones. It represents a good European example of cohabitation between the majority population and the minorities " said Irina Sanda Marin-Cajal, the representative of the Ministry of Culture.

On the stage the ensembles Karasesvka Zora (Union of Croatians in Romania), Solonczanka (Union of Poles in Romania), Hora (Jewish Community Bucharest), Sonțe (Association of Macedonians in Romania), Lastivocica (Cultural Union of Ruthenians) and Serbska reja (the Sorbian Minority in Germany) gave wonderful performances.

The evening ended with the Cultural Diversity Parade and with the Eztan band concert which combines the customs of the Hungarian traditional music with contemporary pop music.

The following days will entertain the public with other dances and traditional music belonging to more than 50 ensembles of the ethnic groups, a scientific section, movie nights, art galleries in which you can enjoy works of arts from contemporary artists within the minorities groups from Romania.  The handicraft and representative stands of national minorities can be visited everyday between 10 AM to 6 PM.

This evening’s concerts will be performed by Ionuț Galani and by Bucharest Klezmer Band and Maia Morgenstern.

You can find out more about the program:

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 23.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86



We celebrate together in Sighisoara

ProEtnica 2018- Intercultural Festival Sighisoara will start today


The 16th edition of ProEtnica - Intercultural Festival Sighisoara is taking place between the 22nd - 26th of August 2018. It is an event organized by Educational Center of Youth (ibz) in cooperation with the Romanian Government -through the Department for Inter-Ethnical Relations (DRI) and the County Council of Mureș 

This event is an occasion to celebrate together with the 20 conational minorities the 100 years anniversary since Romania Big Union, which took place on December 1st 1918.

The official opening will take place today, in the Citadel Square (at 17:00) and will be followed by a press conference in the Baroque Hall of the City Hall (around 17:25).

On the 1st day at 18:00 , the Croat, Polish, Jewish, Macedonian and Ruthenian minorities will perform on the stage from Citadel Square. Also there will be a recital held by the Sorbian minority from Germany. The evening will end with the Cultural Diversity Parade and with the Eztan band concert which combines the customs of the Hungarian traditional music and with contemporary pop music.


The following days will entertain the public with other dances and traditional music belonging to more than 50 ensembles of the ethnic groups, a scientific section, movie nights, art galleries in which you can enjoy works of arts from contemporary artists within the minorities groups from Romania.  The handicraft and representative stands of national minorities can be visited everyday between 10 AM to 6 PM.

You can find out more about the program:

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 22.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86




Sighișoara is hosting the Intercultural dialogue

ProEtnica 2018 Festival has launched its program


During the 22nd and 26th august 2018 the association Educational Centre of Youth Sighișoara (ibz) in cooperation with the Romanian Government, through the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations (DRI) and the County Council of Mureș are organizing - ProEtnica – Intercultural Festival Sighișoara.

The festival will feature traditional dance and music performances presented on the Citadel’s Stage by over 50 artistic groups, representing different national minorities. The event will comprise a scientific section, movie nights, as well as two common art exhibitions by contemporary artists from national minorities. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to visit the presentation stands of the organizations and the craft fair with traditional handmade products, between the hours 10-18.

The evening program of the Proetnica festival includes concerts performed by highly appreciated artists: on Wednesday, Eztẚn band, on Thursday, Maia Morgenstern and Bucharest Klezmer Band, as well as Ionuț Galani. Fanfara de la Cozmești with Ina Chiriac will entertain the public on Friday.  Saturday evening will rock with the concert of the band Farfarello, including Mani Neumann, Ulli Brand, Ioji Kappl and Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică.

More details about the program you can find here:

This project aims to consolidate inter-ethnical peace in a democratic and pluralistic society. Proetnica would like to become an agora where ethno-cultural identities can be expressed, preserved and developed, and where intercultural dialogue and artistic interaction is being encouraged. The organizers are glad to welcome over 600 participants representing the national minorities in Romania. Also, continuing the internalization efforts of the festival this year’s participation of the Minority of Sorbs in Germany represents a further step.     

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Transilvania Business

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son


Cuvantul liber


Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi



Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 15.08.2018
Contact person: Volker Reiter, executive director.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telephone: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86




Sighișoara will become the European Capital of Intercultural Gatherings

The preparations for the 16th edition of ProEtnica 2018 Festival are in full swing


The Association Educational Centre of Youth Sighișoara (ibz) in cooperation with the Romanian Government, through the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations (DRI) and the County Council of Mureș are organizing between the 22nd and 26th august 2018 - ProEtnica – Intercultural Festival Sighișoara.

The 16th edition will take place during the European Year of Cultural Heritage and encompasses many cultural manifestations of the national minorities in Romania, which aim to promote the understanding of cultural diversity as a main element of the European Identity.

This project aims to consolidate inter-ethnical peace in a democratic and pluralistic society. Proetnica would like to become an agora where ethno-cultural identities can be expressed, preserved and developed, and where intercultural dialogue and artistic interaction is being encouraged. The organizers are glad to welcome over 600 participants representing the national minorities in Romania. Also, continuing the internalization efforts of the festival this year’s participation of the Minority of Sorbs in Germany represents a further step.     

The festival will feature traditional dance and music performances presented on the Citadel’s Stage by over 50 artistic groups, representing different national minorities. The event will have a scientific section as well, which will include lectures, book launches and debates on relevant themes for national minorities. These will take place in the Baroque Hall of the City Hall Sighișoara. Additionally, there will be some movie nights, which will be projected at the National Centre for Tourist Information. In the same location a common art exhibition by contemporary artists from national minorities will be organized. Another art exhibition entitled “The Images of Diversity”, curated by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations can be visited at the Blacksmith Tower. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to visit the presentation stands of the organizations and the craft fair with traditional handmade products, as well as to get involved in the interactive workshops carried out in front of the stage

The evening program of the Proetnica festival includes concerts with highly appreciated performers: Maia Morgenstern, Bucharest Klezmer Band and Ionuț Galani. One major highlight will be on saturday evening, with the concert of the band Farfarello, including Mani Neumann, Ulli Brand, Ioji Kappl and Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică.

This festival aims to establish a meeting point of the national minorities, but also a bridge to the majority population, so that a true intercultural dialogue can take place. Discovering the cultural heritage of the 20 national minorities in Romania will enable us to bring to life the motto of the European Union “Unity in diversity”

The project is being supported by the Department for Inter-ethnical Relations of the Romanian Government and the County Council Mures, as partners and by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities and the Municipality Sighisoara, as financers.

This event is being organized with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian Cultural Institute of the Romanian Government, The Institute for External Relations Stuttgart and the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg.


The festival also relies on the considerable support of our mass media partners:

Media partners

Televiziunea Română (TVR)

Observatorul Cultural

Sighișoara Travel

Târnava TV /Jurnalul Sighisoara Reporter

Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung


Radio România Actualități

Asociația Jurnaliștilor și Scriitorilor de Turism din România

Sighișoara Freelance Reporter

Radio România International

Hermannstädter Zeitung


Radio România Tg. Mureș

Realitatea evreiască

Radio România Antena Satelor

Ziarul de Mureș

Sighișoara Online

Radio Son




Independentul Sighișorean


Jurnalul Național

Zi de zi


Official Sponsor:










Sighișoara, 06.08.2018
Persoana de contact: Volker Reiter, director executiv.
Date de contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., telefon: 0722.251307, fax: 0265.50.60.86